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(原标题:The ShenZhong Link | Visiting the Lighting Capital of the World: Guzhen Town, Zhongshan)
The ShenZhong Link, of which the construction started in 2016, has now officially entered the stage of bridge load test. It will shorten the travel time between the two cities from several hours to around 30 minutes. SFC reporters have embarked on a trip to see what this means for the two cities and the GBA.
Our first stop is Guzhen Town, Zhongshan, also known as the Lighting Capital. In the first two months of 2024, Zhongshan’s export value of lamps, lighting fixtures, and their components hit over RMB 3 billion. It’s the hotspot for all lighting products. It is also the largest lighting production base in China. Since China is the world's top exporter of lighting products, this town’s virtually the lighting capital of the world.
“I believe the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge will bring precious opportunities to the two cities, especially for the lighting industry in Zhongshan,” said Ou Decheng, Executive Vice President and Secretary Generalof Zhongshan Light Industry Association, “We can see significant complementary advantages.”
记者:袁思杰 实习生杨梓昊
编辑:胡慧茵 朱丽娜
出品:南方财经全媒体集团 国际传播中心专业配资公司